Thursday, August 20, 2015

Luminous Sanctuary Opening!

Hi friends! <3

This was a tough print to get a hold of. It was super popular and sold out quickly on the Japan site. My boyfriend ended up helping me get it from the US site. 

The package...

Invoice slip with a note from the staff, along with the set...

Wrapped up nicely...


OP with the choker...



Hanging up...

Bodice close-up...

Print detail...

Quick try-on pic...


I like the dress although I'd rather have the jsk version. The sleeves are not very comfortable and cling to my arms rather than stretch with the elastic as they're supposed to. The little skirt thing is adorable and I love how the leaping ponies look like they are made of stained glass <3 I will be trying to sell it and find the other version. Wish me luck!