Hi friends! <3
Day 3
Slept in a little since not much going on early in the day. Got frilled up and packed up. I also grabbed a quick meal before the tea party. I know food would be provided there, but it would be a small amount and I was really hungry. More street style food. This time a tuna mayo rice ball and croquettes with the chicken meatballs and teriyaki sauce. The tuna version was good, but I preferred the salmon one. And those croquettes were so yummy! The outside was crunchy and the inside was so soft. Mmm <3
Then upstairs to get in line for the tea party. I saw so many beautiful coords! Waiting in line gave me plenty of time to admire everyone's clothes and accessories. Some went all out with elaborate headwear and props. The doors opened and they started letting people in. You could choose where you wanted to sit. Each seat had a table setting with this. Two lovely post cards and a bingo sheet.
The bingo sheet was a fun ice breaker activity to get everyone socializing. You had to get a signature from someone that matched the criteria in each square. Once your sheet was filled up, you could turn it in to be entered for a drawing. It got tricky towards the end and took some creative thinking to finish. I had fun and met a bunch of new people!
Next, they started calling tables up for food and drinks. You could get three sandwiches, a scone, a tart, and coffee or tea. There were different sandwich types to choose from, but they weren't your standard tea time ones (with the "egg"ception of egg salad lol). Ham and cheese, roast beef, roasted pepper, and a couple other ones I can't recall right now. I was looking forward to a cream cheese and cucumber one as they're my favorite, but I made do with others. The scones were good-sized and I would have liked clotted cream to go with my scone but there wasn't any. Just butter, peanut butter, or jelly. For tea, there was one choice; a generic type orangey black one. No tea cups either, just these paper cups. Later they brought out small mugs. Everything was tasty, but I wish they had put more effort and thought into things. I'm not sure if it was due to no big brand name guests or budget changes. Feeling still kind of hungry, I later went back for more food (as did other people). There were plenty of leftovers after everyone had gotten their share. The tarts were my favorite as they had a cheesecake type filling inside with assorted berries on top.

There was a trivia game/quiz for those who thought they were a top Lovely Lor fan. It went from simple questions that had been taken from her past YouTube videos to random ones that you had to think how Lor would have answered herself. One area of the room was designated as a photo booth for taking coord pics. Multiple prizes were raffled off as well, such as gift cards, accessories, etc. A lot of nice items had been donated by staff/vendors, but I didn't win anything. Tea party attendees were then rounded up for a large group pic. Once that was done, I took the opportunity to get a selfie (and hug!) with Lovely Lor. I think she recognized me from the panels as she said "Hello again" when I approached her :-)
Wore a gothic coord in white x blue x black.
Jsk~ Moi Meme Moitie "Divine Cross"
Earrings~ Moi Meme Moitie "Bead Cross"
Otks~ Moi Meme Moitie "Holy Cross Lace Up"
Shoes~ Bodyline
Wristcuffs~ Belladonna "Deluxe"
Headdress with veil~ Eternally Thirsty "Skulls and Flowers"
Ring~ Dark Matter "Rose"
Blouse, necklace~ vintage/thrifted
Makeup and details...
Mini Haul
From the flea market...
Alice in Wonderland Themed Phone Charm
Holographic Alolan Vulpix Pokémon TCG Card
Cardcaptors Clear Card Coaster
Alpaca Keychain (kind of scruffy looking but will clean up nice after a wash and ribbon trim)
Sailor Moon Mini Figure
Sailor Moon Necklace
Resin Unicorn Necklace
From vendor's and artist's alley...
Sailor Moon Poster
And finally, Lovely Lor's autograph! <3