Sunday, August 11, 2019

Create a Coord Inspired by Your Birth Flower...

Hi friends! <3

It's been awhile since I did a create a coord type entry. I had saved some interesting blogging prompts awhile ago back when the Lolita Blog Carnival had us come up with new and unique ideas. I decided to go with a prompt from Roli's Ramblings post which was called the Lolita Birthday Challenge. Original link can be found *here*. I did the second part of it.

Me Likes Tea- "Eleanora" Half Bonnet
Angelic Pretty- "Lacy Striped Sleeve" Blouse
BTSSB- "Snow Dot Ribbon" Jsk
Angelic Pretty- "Princess Damask 2018" Otks
Bodyline- Shoes283
Peppermint Fox- "Journal Page with Daffodil Detail" Brooch

My birthday is in March, with the birth flower being the daffodil. I was originally going to have a mint and yellow coord, but I didn't like how the colors looked together. So I went with yellow and white instead. Yellow was a difficult color for me to coord with as it is not a common color in my wardrobe. I have just one blouse and a few accessories; which I use more as contrasting or accent colors. I also challenged myself further to make the coord seasonally appropriate. While creating it, I imagined myself wearing it out and about on my birthday. However, things didn't go as planned and it ended up being more princess-y and suited to warmer weather. I do find the "snow dot" jsk name fitting; as it makes me think of seeing all those little patches of snow that remain just before the flowers start growing. Just waiting for winter to come to an end.

What do you think? Have you done a coord with similar colors? How did it turn out?

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