Hi friends! <3
I was browsing Lacemarket the other day and saw that they were having a special event going on for Black Friday. Select listings had extra lowered 'starting bid' and/or 'buy it now' prices. There were quite a few deals, so I took the opportunity to get a few accessories I had my eye on. The first item showed up today; a pair of wrist cuffs.
Stock Pic
Angelic Pretty: Noble Wristcuffs (brown)
The package...
Wrapped (front and back views)...
Unwrapped (front and back views)...
Try-on pic...
The lace is lovely and the buttons are good quality. I was worried when I noticed that the ribbon ends appeared to have been cut off and left unsealed. When I looked the wrist cuffs up on lolibrary it showed them the same way. I guess they're supposed to be like that. I might just seal the ends myself so it doesn't unravel or catch on anything. The color is a bit darker than I thought too. More of a dark chocolate than a milk chocolate. I originally wanted them to go with my Chocolate Rosette set. I think they will be fine though as it has a few different shades of browns. I'm looking forward to wearing it sometime soon! :-)