Monday, July 30, 2018

Bashful Bear Drops Necklace Opening!

Hi friends! <3

Today is a super special opening of a top wishlist item. This item has been on my wishlist since 2013! I saw it online randomly and fell in love but could never find it for sale in the color I wanted. Fortunately, a friend spotted it over on Wunderwelt and sent me the link. If you're reading this, thanks again friend :-)

Stock Pic

Angelic Pretty: Bashful Bear Drops Necklace (pink)


The package...

Opening it up...


Unwrapping it...

Laid out nicely...

Chain details...

Pendant details...

Try-on pic...


I was confused when the package showed up and it was a box. I had been expecting a bubble envelope since it was just a small accessory. Maybe they thought it would be better to ship that way since the necklace is somewhat delicate? Shipping price seemed normal and it arrived without any damages, so I'm not going to complain. I just thought it was odd.

I'm so happy with this item! It's adorable and was definitely worth the wait <3 Most of it is plastic with some metal parts like the chain, fastener, and loop on the pendant. The beads alternate between star shaped and round. The pendant is a bear holding the letter "P." You can adjust the length of the necklace via the chain in the back. It is in great condition and I'm looking forward to wearing it in a coord soon!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Ice Cream Meet-up!

Hi friends! <3

I went for ice cream with the local comm and things ended up going not as planned. We were supposed to meet up downtown at the ice cream shop and have a nice time while staying cool and socializing with each other. When I arrived, one girl was already there and said that the shop didn't actually open until a couple hours later. Also, there was a sign on the door stating that the shop was closed for today. Another girl had texted saying they were still on their way there. 

We walked around a bit playing some Pokémon Go and discussing options. We were hungry and decided to grab some lunch nearby. The mall was brought up and we agreed to head over there after eating. We posted our plans in the event page in case someone else was going to come, but no one replied or showed up. So it was just a few of us that ended up going. It was nice and cool in the mall. We got our ice cream and did some shopping too.

I tried a green tea frozen yogurt with mochi topping. It was so good <3

I also got a cute little Mew charm for on my bag...


I wore a bittersweet/casual coord in white x pink x black.

Cutsew~ Angelic Pretty "Bowtie Frill Sleeveless"
Ring~ Angelic Pretty "Polka Dot Love Heart"
Headband~ Triple Fortune
Shoes~ Bodyline
Necklace~ Sweet Poison Cupcake
Bow (on headband), skirt~ handmade (not by me)
Earrings, bracelet, other ring, socks~ offbrand

Makeup and details pic...

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Bowtie Frill Sleeveless Cutsew Opening!

Hi friends! <3

A cute yet impulsive buy for me this time. I got it thinking to wear for hot summer meet-ups, or just out and about casually.

Stock Pic

Angelic Pretty: Bowtie Frill Sleeveless Cutsew (black)


The package...

Opening it up...


Unfolding it...

Front and back views...

Front and back views (hanging up)…

Brooch details...

Try-on pic...


This is my first cutsew from Angelic Pretty. I had never thought I would own one since they appeared to be just for petite sizes. No way my long arms and large bust would fit. But this one fits just fine. The fabric is a stretchy cotton with a ruffled bottom edge. The brooch is removable too. I could also probably wear the brooch as a headdress by attaching it to a headband. Although this was an impulse buy, I think it will be worn a lot. It's perfect for the summer time. Cool, comfy and cute :-)

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Snack Time: Dino Park Chips Paprika!

Hi friends! <3

Thought I'd try something salty this time instead of sweet. Found these in an Asian grocery store.

50 cents (on sale!)- Dino Park Chips Paprika- Thailand

Let's open it up...

Close-up view...

Some of the shapes were a T-Rex, Triceratops, and a Brontosaurus...


These are very tasty! I was sort of worried about it being spicy due to having paprika, but it wasn't spicy at all. It tasted more like shrimp to me and I love shrimp. Some pieces had more seasoning than others. It had a nice crunch to it when eating. The dinosaur shapes are cute; making it fun to eat. They were on sale when I got them and I don't know what the price was originally. An awesome deal though. I would definitely get them again :-)

Stars: ***** (5 out of 5)

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Princess Wardrobe Otk (Gold) Opening!

Hi friends! <3

Found another item on my wishlist :-)

Stock Pic

Metamorphose: Princess Wardrobe Otk (ivory x gold)


The package...

Opening it up...



Print details...

Try-on pic...


These are very nice and will go with my existing wardrobe quite well. I especially love the metallic thread woven into the design <3